Sunday, February 13, 2011

Different tastes in life

One of the interesting parts of a family of 7 is food.  It is so tough to find food that everyone likes, or even half of the family likes.  Even when it's just Sean and I we STILL struggle....I use to stress out about it and try very hard to find meals to please everyone.  But then I realized we just all have strange tastes!  So for example lets start with me....  Here is my all time favorite food....

Yep, that's a donut with bacon on it!  Yummy, yummy in my tummy!  Well I think everything tastes better with bacon.  Well Sean disagrees.  He thinks everything tastes better with eggs on it...Here is his favorite hamburger...

The Red Robin Royal.....Yes that hamburger has a fried egg on it....Yuck! 

Here is one more example of our differences.  He loves his food hot and spicy, I like mine boring and mild.  Here is a picture of a lunch he made for himself one day...Notice all the jalapenos...yep not for me!

At least we agree on one food....SUSHI!  Yummmm...Here is my favorite sushi in the whole world!
I love how we are all so different, have different likes, dislikes, tastes and passions.  Yet we have so much in common and have such a wonderful time as a family.  Just stay out of my way in the kitchen and don't complain if you don't like what's cookin, and we will all be good!


nick&abby said...

I love sushi! Nick likes really spicy food too...he adds jalapenos to everything. What is their deal??

Cultivating Good Things said...

Oh my, we need to plan a sushi night! Our favorite place is on main street, Tuesday night is free saki and plum wine night, so that's my favorite night to go!

Beckie said...

I've seen bacon donuts but haven't tried one yet. Guess I'll have to!! :)

We have tried chocolate with bacon from Powell's (a wonderful candy store in Paso), but we decided it wasn't our favorite.

Great blog! Can't wait to read more about your life over the next year... and the year's to come! :)

Cultivating Good Things said...

I love bacon on anything! But the sweet and salty is very yummy! So far I am having fun with blogging....lets see how it goes :)