Tuesday, June 28, 2011

4 lessons to make your life easier!

I have had a very STRESSFUL week!  But when I took a deep breath and reflected on it all, I figured out that I learned 4 important lessons this week.   And to make YOUR life easier,  I thought I would share my stupid mistakes with you.  You can take this time to learn from me and save yourself the time and frustration of dealing with them on your own!

1)  Be sure to put the coffee pot completley on the coffee maker....Because when you don't, you get a big mess when it overflows out the top.  I'm still finding coffee grinds everywhere!

2)  Back up your important files on a flash drive.  I have about 100 flash drives within my reach every day, and I did not back any of my files up.  I clicked on a link on FB and my whole computer crashed....So here is my friendly reminder, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS.

3) Lock your car.  Yep, we have a video of someone walking up to my car in our driveway and going thru all my stuff.  Luckly he didn't find anything he wanted!  But he did take some things from other neighbors who apparently "theif worthy" things in their car.  I guess he doesn't like Veggie Tales  or Barney because he left all my CD's in my car!

4) Listen to your body.  I've been having issues with my arm for a long time and have been ignoring it.  This week I finally listened to my body and started physical therapy.  I'm kicking myself for not doing this a LONG time ago!  It's painful, but it's heaven!  After one visit to DASH Therapy, I am a new person.  And I have 8 visits to go, I am looking forward to feeling better.

So there it is.  Four trials I experienced this week, that if you follow, YOUR life will be easier!  Oh and if that doesn't work, here is a Stress Reduction kit for you.

1 comment:

Leticia Martinez said...

This is SOooooOOOOoo hilarious! Thanks for sharing your infinite wisdom :)